Yesterday was an exciting day. Alison, our restaurant manager, found out that she won a Frank Sobey Excellence In Business Award. This award goes to someone with an outstanding performance in studies in commerce, combined with extra-curricular and volunteer activities. This is a very prestigious award, so we're all pretty excited that she won it. Congratulations Alison!
As for the restaurant, we spent several hours moving more equipment out of the old restaurant. At this point, about all that is left is a dozen pieces of the heaviest kitchen equipment. I also spent a few hours yesterday evening and got the first couple of videos cameras installed, to provide coverage of all the doors for security purposes.
One other really important accomplishment yesterday was that Darren from Brunswick Fyr & Safety came in to make sure that all of our extinguishers, exit lights, and other fire-prevention related equipment was in good shape. Now we can call the Fire Marshall's office and schedule an inspection. As long as we pass that, we'll be able to transfer our food and alcohol licenses without too many hassles.