Sunday, September 7, 2008

Little Repairs

We've got a long list of small repair projects that could be done to improve the efficiency of operations at the restaurant. It will probably take until Christmas until they are all done, but if we can accomplish two or three per week, we'll get through the list eventually.

Projects that we completed in the past week include:
- Removed the CO2 tank pressure system for the draught and installed a permanent compressor setup, so we won't ever have to change C02 canisters in the middle of a shift.
- Installed a drain under the servers' ice sink. Up until now, the melting ice drained into a bucket that we had to empty every day.
- Fixed the drainage problem with one of our upright coolers.
- Fixed the drainage problem with our ice machine, so the ice is less watery and doesn't melt as quickly.
- Installed a 65-pint dehumidifier in the kitchen. That's not nearly enough to keep up with the demands of the kitchen when it's running at full-tilt, but at least it's enough to get some of the moisture out of the air overnight.
- Fixed the lights in the washrooms.